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 The phenom is back to wwe

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Triple H
Jeff hardy
7 participants


Messages : 26
Date d'inscription : 06/12/2007
Age : 31

The phenom is back to wwe Empty
MessageSujet: The phenom is back to wwe   The phenom is back to wwe Icon_minitimeDim 9 Déc - 23:19

Nom du catcheurs :The Undertaker

Surnom du catcheurs :The phenom ou The Deadman

Prise de finitions :Chockslam,Tombstone et Last Ride

Autres prises utilisés : Old School,Takin' Care of Business,Sidewalk slam,Flying clothesline,Big foot,Guillotine legdrop,Running legdrop,Triangle choke,Corner clothesline et Snack Eyes

face , heel , neutre :Neutre

Je souhaites rejoindre : Smackdown

Hj:javais oublier mai smieu vaut tard que jamais^^
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Jeff hardy
Jeff hardy

Messages : 327
Date d'inscription : 03/12/2007
Age : 30

The phenom is back to wwe Empty
MessageSujet: Re: The phenom is back to wwe   The phenom is back to wwe Icon_minitimeDim 9 Déc - 23:27

Re bienvenue
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Triple H
WWE Tag Team Champion
WWE Tag Team Champion
Triple H

Messages : 32
Date d'inscription : 03/12/2007

The phenom is back to wwe Empty
MessageSujet: Re: The phenom is back to wwe   The phenom is back to wwe Icon_minitimeDim 9 Déc - 23:29

Jeff hardy a écrit:
Re bienvenue
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Shawn Michaels
WWE Tag Team Champion
WWE Tag Team Champion
Shawn Michaels

Messages : 46
Date d'inscription : 05/12/2007
Age : 29
Localisation : lyon

The phenom is back to wwe Empty
MessageSujet: Re: The phenom is back to wwe   The phenom is back to wwe Icon_minitimeLun 10 Déc - 14:58

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Armando Estrada
General Manager
Armando Estrada

Messages : 305
Date d'inscription : 03/12/2007

The phenom is back to wwe Empty
MessageSujet: Re: The phenom is back to wwe   The phenom is back to wwe Icon_minitimeLun 10 Déc - 15:01

re bienvenue
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Wrestler de smackdown

Messages : 398
Date d'inscription : 04/12/2007

The phenom is back to wwe Empty
MessageSujet: Re: The phenom is back to wwe   The phenom is back to wwe Icon_minitimeLun 10 Déc - 21:37

bienvenue taker
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bobby lashley

bobby lashley

Messages : 59
Date d'inscription : 06/12/2007

The phenom is back to wwe Empty
MessageSujet: Re: The phenom is back to wwe   The phenom is back to wwe Icon_minitimeMar 11 Déc - 0:32

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Armando Estrada
General Manager
Armando Estrada

Messages : 305
Date d'inscription : 03/12/2007

The phenom is back to wwe Empty
MessageSujet: Re: The phenom is back to wwe   The phenom is back to wwe Icon_minitimeMar 11 Déc - 16:54

tu es bienvenue
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Contenu sponsorisé

The phenom is back to wwe Empty
MessageSujet: Re: The phenom is back to wwe   The phenom is back to wwe Icon_minitime

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The phenom is back to wwe
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